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{Missing days to be updated as soon as I get time...}
Friday 9:42pm: Look at all that insulation! We (about 6 of
us) did the entire main hall ceiling. Its a tough job, you've
got some of us taking a piece of insulation, balancing it on
the end of a stick and pushing it up into place. Then others
would come along on the ladders or climb up into the rafters
and position the pieces of insulation. Fiberglass insulation
is itchy when it gets on your skin, even when you cover up you
manage to get it in your clothes. Looking up pushing pieces
into place, I managed to get some in my eye. I hunted down some
goggles, but they were uncomfortable and kept fogging up so
after a while I abandoned them and figured out how to stay out
of the way while I was pushing the peices into place. |
Friday 9:42pm: You can see a few gaps to the right above the
stage. We left this for Saturday AM, we were pretty tired (although
one of the local brothers helping us still wanted to work!).
The ducts hanging down are for the heating and cooling system,
they get shortened up and connected to vents. Met Richard, his
daughter Heather, his other daughter and son and their friend
from the Palm Springs area of California. They were here to
help with tile but ended up working very hard on insulation
before they ever got to touch the tile. I don't think I ever
took their picture :( |
Friday 9:43 pm: Here is a shot looking back from the doorway
to the main hall to what will be the book counter, with the
bathrooms to the right. Notice it isn't entirely insulated.
There is Michelle in the background... |
Friday 9:43 pm: This is Michelle's wall! She put the insulation
in it. We'll always look at that wall and say "Thats Michelle's
wall!". |